Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A reminder . . .

 Picture of Footpath - Free Pictures - FreeFoto.com
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5&6

This was one of Isaac's memory verses this year, and it is hanging on the fridge where sometimes I look at it and sometimes I don't. It's been hanging there quite a while.
But lately, the past few days or so, my eyes always find it, hanging next to monthly menus and calendars and doctor appointment reminder cards and my children's artwork. I do not mean to look for it, but it is like the Spirit of God is nudging me . . . Look. Remember.
Having read it over and over the past several days, I have come to think about it quite a bit. According to this passage, there are two things to do here . . . trust Him with all my heart and acknowledge Him in all my ways.
Not just some of my heart. Not just a few of my ways.
Trust. Acknowledge.
Yeah . . . I do not always do these things.
I get caught up in myself, emotions, circumstances, situations, others.
I fear. I forget.
In fact, I feel like this year has gotten off to a pretty rotten start in the resolutions/revolutions category for me. Why?
I do not trust. I do not acknowledge. No wonder I feel lost and frustrated and . . . well, lost.
But the Spirit is reminding me, there is a way to be found on the straight path again. And it does not lie in my own understanding. In fact, the answer doesn't lie with me at all. It can only be found in Him.
So, I begin again today.
I seek to trust. I remember to acknowledge. 
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your gentle reminder, your nudge and tug at my heart. Thank you, God, for the words that bring life, and for the chance to work them out in my days. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and grace and mercy when I forget, and thank you for never forgetting me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Great reminder, Joy. I come back to this one often, but not often enough. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and that delightful picture!