Tuesday, March 23, 2010

La luna . . .

Yesterday was lovely.
The sun was shinning.
It was warm. 
Birds were in their glory again after a day of standing on the sides of the road, frigid and stunned by Spring snow. (Isaac and I kept seeing Robins huddled in the middle of the streets, or along the sides of them when we were out running errands in the storm on Saturday. I almost ran over a few, afraid to break too fast on the slick roads, and kept telling him, "Isaac, I think the birds are in shock! They're acting crazy, sitting in the road!" He said, with 11 year old boy insight, "I think they are trying to stay on the pavement so they can stay warm.")
Yesterday, their songs were trills that thrilled my heart!
It was back to school, and it was good to be there.
In Josiah's backpack, among his "bring home" stuff, was a writing project he had recently done about himself. When I read it, I was amazed at my almost eight year old son. It made my heart fill up with love all over again. (My boys are constantly having that affect on me!)
He was given the first two words of every line, and then had to finishl in the rest. This is what he came up with:
I am Josiah
I wonder if I could be an inventor
I hear birds singing the beautiful song
I see dogs playing
I want to snowboard wen I am ten
I am Josiah
I pretend to be Poseidon
I feel happpy when I am 8
I touch cat's fur
I worry if I die
I cry wen my kitten died
I am Josiah
I understand pictures
I say nice things about friends
I dream if I could go to Egypt
I try to be kind
I hope to be the first man to live in space
What a great way to know what your child is thinking and feeling!
Daniel loves space right now too. He is fascinated with the moon and rocket ships.
Last night, we were heading home from my mom's house, and as he was getting in the car, he looked up and said, "Look at that silly moon! I want to eat it! I want to eat the moon! I'm gonna go up there and get pieces of it, and we can eat it! I'm gonna get a rocket ship and go up to the moon and eat it!"
We were all laughing, and he was laughing.
I tried to caprture him saying all that on the video application on my cell phone, but couldn't figure out how to use it. I thought it was recording, but it was not.
I loved it, though, and want to remember it forever.
It reminded me of George Bailey, in It's a Wonderful Life, telling Mary he would lasso the moon for her, and then she could swallow it and moonbeams would shoot out of the ends of her fingers and toes and her hair . . . I swung Daniel up into the car seat, laughing and straining to keep his eye on that edible moon, and I thought . . . I'd lasso the moon for you, Danny Boy.


Michelle said...

I thought of the same movie when you wrote what he said. Very cute.

Scott said...

So incredible, all of it. Sometime don't you think, how can life get any better than this? Anyway, we had a robin at our house, take up a brief stay on the side of one of our big flower pots in the front yard. It was the only spot in the yard not covered in snow, and sheltered from the wind. He, or she, it was hard to tell, stayed for quite some time.

Jamison said...

that is so cool! I would of never thought that Joe would write that.


Shelden said...

Daniel is so cute!!!!