Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Okay, I'll call this one "And much cattle. . ."

First, let me make an announcement.
Josiah learned how to tie his shoes the other day!!! He is doing it every chance he gets, and he is gaining pro status!!
Another thing I wanted to say last night, but it slipped my mind when I was writing -- my mind being the sieve it is and all, is that after VBS, Isaac and Josiah were so pumped up about it that they had me stop at a ball field to hand an invitation to a family playing ball there.
Josiah also had me stop in at my mom's neighbor's to invite her and her children and the kids she watches at her daycare.
I am so proud of them!
That's the big news.
We took a trip out to the ranch where Rachel works this morning.
They were having another cattle round-up. It was a smaller herd this time.
This meant it was a bit quieter than the last time.
However, no words or photos can adequately capture the smell!
After being there for a while, though, we didn't even notice it.

This time, we were able to see them work the calves. They gave them vaccinations and clipped their ears, among other things.
It was a beautiful day! The sun was shinning and the breeze was blowing, sometimes hardily! It was almost cool in the shade. Almost.
Rachel and her boss's son, Jeff, got a run for their money from some of the calves, but for the most part, the baby cows went through the chutes with little incident.
Towards the end of their time with the cattle, Rachel and Jeff let the boys into the pens so they could help with the chutes and see what was happening up close and personal.
The boys were thrilled!
At one point, they needed to take a break, and Rachel let the boys see Bounder.
He, apparently, is a fool for peppermints, and was doing tricks and showing off in hopes of minty-sweet rewards.
He really is a beautiful animal.
After the last cow was worked (well, actually, one got away and ran off into the field; I don't think they ever did get the little rascal), we packed up and thanked Jeff and Rachel and headed home.
I have mentioned before that I am an ocean girl. I grew up with the sound of the waves pounding the shore, the smell of salt water, the deep blues and lighter hues -- sky touching water.
As we drove down the dirt road away from the ranch, "Look, mom. It looks like waves of water," Isaac commented to me about the fields of grass and wheat blowing in the wind.
I pulled my head together from thinking about the million things I had yet to do to notice what he was talking about.
It did indeed look like waves.
I got out of the truck to take some pics, and as I did so, I thought, "fields of wheat and grass will be Isaac's ocean."
We looked at it as long as we could, in silent awe that something so simple could be so beautiful.
But then we had to go.
Isaac and Josiah had a Settlers of Catan date to keep with David Grey and his friend Samuel (now our friend, too), who are visiting.
Catan is a game in which you settle a continent and develop your colonies. The most developed colony wins. You develop by buying and trading commodities and resources.
Isaac loves it!
Josiah gave it a try, but in the end, he is still too tenderhearted for such an uncivilized task as developing a settlement.
He ended up helping me make Rice Krispy treats for VBS.
I bought a box of the berry Rice Krispies and made treats out of them for home. They are delicious!
VBS continues to be a great time for the kids.
Tonight was about being united, and they learned about Queen Esther and how she united her people in prayer so they would be saved from Haman's wicked plot.
We've had some long days, but they have been good days.
Here are some other nice images of the day.


Micah & Sarah said...

I know everyone loves your writing. I thoroughly enjoy it as well, but these pictures are amazing! I love to visit Kansas on your blog. ~Micah

Michelle said...

I agree. I love the barn and sky pic.

Joy said...

Thanks guys! Your comments mean a lot.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

I did not know how well that you could take pictures! You are really good at it!

Shelden said...

I enjoy reading about your boys and looking at the pics you have. Your day sounds like it was full of fun. I like the pic of Isaac,Josiah, and Daniel by the cows.