Friday, February 19, 2010

Scribble and jot . . .
 (image not my own)

Writing . . . it is such a part of who I am.
It is how I make sense of my life, keep up with it, remember it.
I'm sure that without writing in my life, I'd feel pretty lost.
I love pens. Beautiful pens with ink that runs smooth, silking out words, spilling them onto paper . . . out into the universe.
I love pens that feel good in your hand . . . feel like another finger.
I love to scrawl. To dot and scratch.
I love the way it sounds, pen moving over paper . . . whispering secrets and punctuating declarations.
It is my favorite way to write . . .with pen and paper.
I so much prefer it to keyboard and screen. But really, I take writing however I can. Writers can not always choose how we write. The need to do it drives us to use whatever instruments are available to us at the time. Writing is writing, like air is air. Sometimes, it is harder to breathe than others, but you always have to.
I have endless books and myriad scraps of paper lying about filled with thoughts and quotes and lists and menus and color choices and verses and stories of baby genius and memories and rants and prayers and ideas and . . . bits of my soul, mind, heart.
It's like my life has been written out on leaves of paper, scattered in the wind.
You can find writings under my bed, tucked into books and bookcases, in my purse, on my desk, on the nightstand, in the closet, in towers of boxes stacked in the garage.
I have half used notebooks with all sorts of jots and scribbles all over the place. I always have a blank book with me, wherever I go. . . just in case.
Yet, the place I feel I have my best ideas . . . the place I compose the nicest words . . . or get flashes of scenes that really might amount to something story-wise  . . . or remember something I want to, or need to. . . is in the shower!
No pen and paper in there.
And so, I have thoughts, get ideas and words while I am soaping up, and they are gone from my mind before I hit the rinse cycle! Seriously, this happens all the time.
I have a theory that I actually have written a book, but it is out to sea by now, washed down the drain with the suds.
The attempt to write out thoughts and ideas on paper while showering, I'm sure, would end in a soggy, pulpy mess.
So, I had a thought today . . . what if I put a white board in the shower? Stuck it right to the far shower wall? And attached one of those dry erase markers?
Then, when I get an idea in the shower, I can just jot it down, and rewrite it later. 
No more lost ideas sliding down the drain!
And, practically, we can leave notes for each other, like . . . "Isaac, don't forget to wash behind your ears!" or "I love my clean boys!!!"
I think I will try this. I'll keep you posted on how well this works.
Who knows, you may even see some shower-writings here.
This was just an idea I had today . . . and I wrote it down.


Kris H. said...

Well, I was going to say that you should make a song of those things that come to ya in the shower and continue singing it until you get out and can actually write it down. But, um, I think the dry erase board is much more practical. :D

But yes, I can most DEFINITELY relate to this post. I constantly have things using my brain as the shortcut to the main road. Don't ask.

My biggest thing, though, is failing to write down my dreams when I wake up in the morning. I could write a serious horror flick if I would just write it all down!

But yes, dry erase boards ROCK. And so do Pilot pens. The original ones! I found some on my drive to visit a friend in Indiana last year, and I picked a few of them up. You just can't find those anymore. You can order them on the website, but then it's an arm and a leg for shipping.

But, I digress. I, too, am one of those that buy a crapload of the ten-cent notebooks at Walfart during the back-to-school sales. When my mom asked me if I had a notebook that I could spare, it was like asking if water comes out of the faucet.

OK, I'm going stir crazy in this office today, hence the blabberings. But, bottom line, I loved and definitely related to this post! :P

Kris H. said...

Awesome stock photo, btw. I attempted to shoot something like that for my Commercial Photo class, but my macro isn't THAT good! I'll have to keep trying because that rocks!

Schelent. (verification word)

Michelle said...

GREAT idea! Let me know how it goes!