Tuesday, September 16, 2008

When the moon hits your eye . . .


Did anyone see the moon last night?!
It was gorgeous! A full moon, it was big, beautiful, hanging low, just above our tree line, shimmering on our dewy field.
I was on my way out to have coffee with a friend. We were meeting at Starbucks at 8 p.m.
Quite a treat for me.
I was running a bit late, and needed to stop for gas, so, after kissing the boys goodnight, I was rushing out the door.
I opened the gate and looked up and BANG! There it was.
It was so stunning that I stopped short, keys in hand, and stood for a long minute (as opposed to a short minute) -- staring.
The air was cool, the last smears of sun still fading in the west, the moon rising in the eastern sky.
But it looked so big, so heavy, so close.
I wanted to touch it.
I felt like if I stood on tip-toes I just might be able to.
I really did say aloud to my self, "when the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie . . . " and chuckled.
It all made perfect sense to me in that moment, and I was sure that who ever penned that silly love song must have been looking at a moon like mine.
I headed on the road to meet with my friend, but I called Joe and told him to take the boys outside to have a look at the amazing moon.
I could hear Daniel as soon as it was in his sights . . ."Moon! Moon! Moon! Moon!"
"He definitely sees it," Joe said.
After I hung up with him, I called my mom, who is suffering from a sever cold.
"Have you seen the moon?" I asked.
"No," she croaked out.
"Go to the porch and look at it. You can't miss this."
"Wow! I see it!"
A few minutes of marveling.
"Thanks for sharing that!" mom said.
How could I not?
My history class is studying the beginning of history, the creation, and as I looked at the moon last night, all I could think was what a delight it must have been to make the moon.
God's sense of sublimity is humbling and awe inspiring.
How big is God, to have made a moon so big?
Pretty big.


Patti said...

did you see it this morning? it was still hanging up there like a giant matzo ball. as i was waiting at the light on 20th i couldn't help but stare at it. and i thought to myself, that is one gigantic morning moon.

Joy said...

We saw it too, and Josiah said "What is the moon doing here in the day?!"
He couldn't believe it was still out, and on the other side of the sky from where they saw it last night. Love the matzo ball line, by the way.

Kris H. said...

Yes! I was in my room, attempting to concentrate on studying, and I caught a glimpse of it sparkling on the water. I was momentarily bummed because I missed it when it was lower in the sky, and I could have gone out there and gotten some shots of it. Gotten. Is that even a word? If not, I just invented it.

It was also the Harvest Moon, I believe. That's why it was so big.

Yeah, great comparison to the matzo ball. Mmmm, matzo ball soup! I haven't had that in ages.

Micah & Sarah said...

And eventhough I know how very far apart we are,
it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.
and when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,
it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.

Joy said...

YES, Micah and Sarah. Yes.

Michelle said...

Great, now that song is in my head. Thanks, Micah! AAUUGGHH! :)

Patti said...

well....thanks to micah i know want to watch An American Tale.

thanks a lot.