Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's coming on my favorite time of year . . . .

. . . fall!
We are in our rainy season right now, intensified by the tropical storm activity to our south.
This makes me smile.
Still warm, but with a hint of the cooler temps on the way, the rain pit-pats on the window panes, and I am inside, cup of tea in hand, cookies baking in the oven, the kids drawing at the dinning room table, Daniel puttering around, discovering new things about his old toys.
I watch the sky yield with the lazy hum of dishwasher, washing machine, jazz on the radio, life in the background.
I love the late summer rains.
They bring behind them lavish displays of colorful fall leaves.
In a dry year, everything just sort of dries up and blows away.
But this year we have had our share of rain, and then some, so I am looking forward to the burst of fall foliage waiting in the weeks ahead.
Right now, though, it is still too warm for the leaves to change. It is so humid in fact, that we have had quite a crop of toadstools growing up in our back field.
I see them in yards all over town.
Steeped in myth, you can see why people of old crafted stories about them being shelters for wee folk and fairies and enchanted amphibians.
My own wee folk loved picking them and discovering all their hidden parts and magical mazes.

Along with multi-colored leaves, fall also brings with it football! And soccer!
Yes, dear friends, I am a soccer mom.
And a football mom.
And I love it.
Josiah has had two games rained out so far (there was a make-up on Tuesday. They lost, but Jo played hard!)
Isaac has played two games in the pouring rain and has had myriad practices.
This is Isaac's first time playing tackle football, though he has played soccer and baseball before, and it is Josiah's first experience with playing team sports.
Daniel is a great spectator now, but one day, he'll be out there too.
I am having fun watching them learn about themselves and team and others through this process. They have done so well making friends and learning what they can about their games and how to follow their coaches lead and think about the other kids on their teams.
There really are some good life lessons to be had in sports.
It has been busy here, what with all the practices and games and school and settling into the house.
The house is coming along.
It takes a while to settle into a place, to make it your own.
I am still sorting through boxes, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of.
We still have two rooms under construction here (the family room and a guest room), so there is less space than we were living in and our garage is full of furniture and other "stuff".
What I appreciate about moving is that it offers us an opportunity to assess how we live, what we live with and what we can in fact live without.
Living in this house definitely challenges my "get it all done right now" sensibilities.
There is so much potential here for this to be a great house.
But, it will take time.
I can just see God, smiling up there in heaven, nodding his head, saying "yep."
He knows a little something about the process of renovation.
Here are some pics of what we've done so far . . .
and what still needs to be done. . .
School is going well. Latin II is a challenge for me. Sometimes I think to myself, "I'm teaching LATIN?!!" What is that about?"
But, we are getting through it together, the students and I, and a wise teacher I once met from an established classical school in Iowa told me, any Latin our students get are more than they would have gotten, and God will give the grace to the teachers who are to teach it. I think about that every time I crack open my Latin II book!
I love my seventh grade history and literature classes. We are learning about the beginning of history, and reading Paradise Lost in lit.
The boys like their teachers and their classes.
Josiah's room has an "under the sea" theme, and he is having so much fun!!! His teacher is doing a poem a week and weekly catechism with them . . . all the things I would do if I had that at home.
We went out to the ranch last week. Grandpa came with us!! It was so much fun to show him what we know, and to ride for him.
Rachel saddled up a horse we had not met before, Avalon.
I did not think it was possible for a horse to be bigger than Bounder, but I was wrong.
Wider in girth and a bit taller, Avalon is an eight year old, in the prime of his life, and boy does he know it. Let's just say he is not as . . . docile as Bounder.
So who got to ride him?
I had Rachel lead me around, though. I was pretty nervous at first.
Then we both relaxed, though, and riding him was like heaven.
That's the scoop here. It has been busy.
Notice I am not saying I promise to write more, though that is my intention.
Right now, though, I will finish my tea by the window. I will breathe in the crisp air, clean. I with breathe out silent prayers of thanks for this moment.
And I will leave you with these three faces . . .


Kris H. said...

Ah, yes, and classic faces they are. Great shots.

It's great to read you again! And I must agree wholeheartedly, 100%, all the way, that this is my favorite weather, as well. I also love the time of year when winter is making way for Spring, but this season is tied for first with the beginnings of Spring.

And I, too, absolutely, positively, LOVE the rains accompanied by 60-70-degree temps. Ahhhh. I could live in that forever.

Well, now that I've gone on about the gorgeous weather, I've enjoyed your update! The boys are so cute in their soccer and football uniforms! My nieces are doing cheerleading this year (all three of them!) I can't wait to get out there to capture that on digital film and video.

Enjoy the's supposed to be a glorious one!

eew, 'shrooms! I've been seeing them all over, as well. I don't know why, but they creep me out. haha

Michelle said...

I LOVE the last three photos. :) I always think of the Smurfs when I see those mushrooms. la-la-la-la-la-la

I love fall, too! I just wish it was longer here. It is always way too short.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

you have to hang those last pictures on the wall! I love the fall! I am glad that it is finally coming. I think that my favorite part about the fall is Thanksgiving. I never really see my dad's side of the family. This year is going to be a huge Thanksgiving! I am so exited! I am always thinking about what comes after Thanksgiving!(Christmas) Everybody keeps telling me that it is too early to be thinking about that but I cannot stop. I am actually going to see my mom's side of the family before Christmas theis year at my cousin's wedding this weekend so I am very exited about that. I am having a great school year because you are my teacher.(I am not trying to flatter you but you are my favortie teacher) Did Daniel not get to hold the mushroom too! Your house is very cute! I love it. When somebody says that they are going to the Noga's I still picture your old house. I think I am starting to get warmed up to the idea of a different house than your other one. A few days ago I googled my name and it showed all of my comments that I had posted on your blog! I was very mad. I do not want some scary guy looking at my comments! oh, I almost forgot that I wrote a poem about the conference and i was wondering if you would like to read it since you are so good with poems.I have not ever really written a poem before so if you could remind me to read it to you that would be great! I love you.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

Wow. That was a long comment! I did not even realize that.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

Sorry about the randomness too,bad spelling, and bad grammar.

Micah & Sarah said...

I love how you captured exactly how I feel (and any fall fan)about the fall. I feel so nostalgic right now as fall makes its way to us here as well. I LOVE this time of year.
I definitely agree with Abigail - it's going to take me some time to think of the Noga's in a different house; of course, I don't really have a new image to replace the old yet. Could you post a picture of your new house? I always loved your front porch during the fall. Love, Sarah

Joy said...

Thank you all for your comments!! In response to Abigail's question about Daniel getting to hold a mushroom, no, he did not. He most certainly would have eaten it!!!
And Sarah, I will post pics of the new house by the end of this week. I think you guys will like it there, and I picture you with us often.

Patti said...

was daniel pulling a ferris bueller in that last pic? they were great!
joy, i have one word for you: THANKSGIVING

Shelden said...

I love you Mrs. Noga. Hope your loving school. How cute are your boys.
