Saturday, June 13, 2009

Greetings from our garden

Yes, we still have a garden, believe it or not.
I say this because sometimes I can not believe there are living, growing plants out there that are beginning to produce edible fare that we haven't killed entirely dead or maimed in some awful way.
We are actually gardening!
And beginning to eat of the fruits, as it were, of our labors.
Let's see, what all is out there? Snap peas and green beans and purple beans and carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, fennel, sage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, summer squash, broccoli, watermelon, honeydew, corn, basil, parsley, mint, chives, blueberries and strawberries . . . I'm sure I'm forgetting something. . .
Well, that's somewhat of a list at any rate.
Daniel loves to walk out to the strawberry patch with me, and look at the berries there.
One day, a ripe one was right there, hanging on the vine by a thread, ruby red and ready to be picked. I plucked it I let Daniel eat it. His eyes got wide. "Berries?" he asked. "Yes. Strawberries," I said. "Berries? Berries? Berries?" he queried again, wanting to make sure the name of the succulent piece of heaven he had just popped into his mouth. "Yes, berries," I laughed. And then it came. "More? More, Mommy? More?" Of course, being two and not understanding the concept of the ripening process, he was not the least bit happy with me when I told him that was all there was for the day, and no, we could not pick and eat the greenish white berries waiting to be kissed by the sun until they blush.
Nope. Went right over his head.
Look at those little green boots, though. Do you just love em? Daniel sure does. I can't get anything else on his feet these days. He has farm in him for sure.
I look at this year in the garden as one big experiment of learning and faith. Kind of a green thumb test, if you will. Do I have one, or not?
So far, not too bad.
The summer days have been long and full here.
Isaac got his first summer job mowing a lawn for some friends. He also got his first bad sunburn today, doing said job. The sun shone all day out of a cloudless blue sky. As he was mowing (he looked so big out there, driving that John Deere), he rode over to Josiah, Daniel and I, where we were watching him from under a tree, and shyly handed me a bunch of yellow flowers he had picked for me from the middle of the field where he was working. "I picked them from the roots," he said, "so you can keep em and plant em if you like."
He's going to be eleven this year. Have I said that.
Yeah, eleven.
Is this possible?
I'm still 25 . . . aren't I?
Eleven, and still bringing his mama flowers. I love it. They are sitting on my table right now, where I can see them, in a jelly jar full of water. They are more beautiful to me than all the roses in the world.
Josiah got a little sun today, too.
We got a pool for the summer birthdays this year, and spent way too much time in it today.
Truth be told, my back is a tad scorched as well.
But the water was so cool, and the boys swam like fish.
Tomorrow, we'll break out the 500 SPF!!!
But tonight, it's the aloe vera.
On the agenda for next week: several trips to the library, picnic at the park, horseback riding, and swimming in the new pool, of course, (thanks MeMe and Gramp!!) with lots and lots of sun block on!


Abigail Kreighbaum said...

You got a pool! That is exiting!

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

i do nopt think that that is how you spell exiting

Abigail Kreighbaum said...


Michelle said...

I love how the boys this age still have a tender spot inside of them for their moms. AND teachers, I might add. The other day, Avery came into my room at the school and just hung out with me talking about his summer. Loved every moment of it!

Michelle said...

I love how the boys this age still have a tender spot inside of them for their moms. AND teachers, I might add. The other day, Avery came into my room at the school and just hung out with me talking about his summer. Loved every moment of it!

Micah & Sarah said...

25 sounds about right. I know I'm not going to be 33 this year.
I want to go to the library and the park and eat berries out of the garden! My favorite part of this post is that Isaac made sure not to destroy the flowers.

Patti said...

I love Isaac. He really is a sweet young man. Eleven doesn't seem quite right. I can most definitely picture him handing you those flowers. Good kids.

Shelden said...

Isaac told me that you got a pool. I just learned how to mow the lawn today! I never had to learn how because Jesse and other guys have lived with us so long that they have wanted to do it instead of paying rent! (and Abigail, I know what you mean by forgetting how to spell exciting. I don't know even if I spelled forgetting right. Sometimes you forget at the moment. Can't wait until you get back from Colorado!)

Shelden said...

And I still love my mom just as much as when I was a baby.