Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A small rant, but a rant nonetheless . . .

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Someone, please help me!
I am looking for a book.
It is not an obscure book.
It is a fairly famous book, in fact.
They even made it into a movie (well, okay, in the 80's).
But still.
I have been to the public library, which, by the way, is quite a lovely spot, twice now in search of this book.
A note about our library: it really is one of the more beautiful libraries I have known. Very inviting and cozy, yet sleek and intelligent. A lot of Frank Lloyd Wright influences.
And still, for all that, each time I have been there to obtain this book, the only copy . . . ONLY COPY, I say, has been mysteriously "checked out."
I have been to the bookstore in town, which, God help me, needs to hire some people who have read a book or two in their lives.
It was not there either.
Enough said about that, or this will turn into a larger rant than I intended.
I even went to the almighty Wal-Mart.
I should have known better.
Enough said about that, too.
I have not yet sought out the musty, dusty, tightly cramped aisles of the used book store in town. It's a great place to peruse if you have an aromatic cup of coffee, and an hour or two to yourself. It is not the place to take three energetic boys who pretty much live in a state of perpetual motion.
However . . . I suppose that will have to be my next stop.
I don't suppose there is any reader of this humble blog out there who happens to own a copy of Out Of Africa by Isak Dennisen, and would lend it to me fairly soon for a short period of time?
It is the next book on my bookclub reading list, and I would really like to attend with something intelligent to say about the selection, or anything to say about it, really, at all.
I love living here.
I really do.
But when you can't find a copy of a classic book in the whole town . . .
Ah, but wait!
Am I forgetting?
Gee whiz.
Why bother with libraries and bookstores?
The Internet.
Making the world a better place, one book at a time!


Michelle said...

Yeah, the whole time I was reading this I was thinking, "Why doesn't she just go to Amazon.com?" Funny.

D3 said...

how come you're such a dork sometimes? because it proves to me that you really are human and not an angel in disguise, that's why.....

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

never heard of that book

Joy said...

"Well, people, this was my wry (and apparently failed) attempt to show my angst about the super-power internet and what it's doing to these lovely places I used to frequent, which used to be quite helpful. Now, everyone just thinks "Amazon!", so there is no need for excellent booksellers and stores or stocked libraries, thanks to the almighty internet!" she furiously typed, so she could add a comment to her blog!

D3 said...

hey,I got the point...I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity to call you a dork....
and we will always need those special places. My favorite place in town was the book store (and the book store owner)before the owner became mayor and much too busy to operate it himself. the smell of books was sweet repose from the hustle and bustle of life.