Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I told you the camera gods were angry

I did not get any good pictures of the family party!
Ten years, and where did the time go?
I feel like I just turned around, and now . . . .
Isaac stated that in four years, when Josiah is the age he is now, he will be 14.
"Don't remind me!" I moaned.
"Don't you want to stay the ages you are forever? Ten, six and one?" I asked.
"Maybe," Isaac said, "but I want to drive too."
Isaac, driving?
Is that even possible?
This person who came from my loins will one day be old enough to operate an automobile?
Yes . . . this is the reality
And if it all happens as quickly as it took him to turn 10, then it is only a blink away.

On another note, I think I am experiencing post-vacation depression disorder.
I totally made that up.
It's true though.
We had such a great time in Texas, and I kind of forgot about all the things that need to be done here.
But now we are back, and scrambling to find time to do all those things.
I have been hitting the lesson planning pretty hard, and preparing for the school year ahead, as well as catching up on vacation laundry and working at our house . . . the list goes on.
Reality, as it were, has slapped me pretty hard.
I need to sit and post pics of vacation, tell stories of our adventures and share thoughts about the conference, things I learned there and what the highlights were (or what they were for me, anyway). And we had such an awesome day at Rachel's yesterday. The boys had horseback riding lessons, and I even got on the horse (whoa, Nelly!). She showed us some really neat things about talking to horses with your body language. Oh, and I'll have to introduce you to the two newest members of the family . . . (I'll just let you guess about that one).
Alas, it must all wait until another day (hopefully tomorrow).
As you can tell, I am still trying yo get my rhythm back here at home.
It's kind of choppy now, but soon, I'll be humming along . . .

1 comment:

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

When I saw your boys yesterday it was pretty crazy. I can remember when Josiah was a baby! And Isaac and I were mischevious. I kind of miss those days!