Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I am encouraged!

I was encouraged to see that today's "Motivation for Moms" (see my sidebar) directly correlates to my thoughts in my post from last night.
I guess you could say it is a kind of confirmation for me.
Sometimes, I wonder if the way I am going about things is right.
I wonder this all the time, actually.
The cry of my heart is to know the heart of God for my boys, to help them know it for themselves, and to show them how to walk faithfully in everything He has for them.
God has asked Joe and I to do some hard things, take some hard lines, as parents.
Yesterday's post touched on just one of those things: we are to be guardians of our young children's purity.
I believe this with all my heart.
But sometimes it is hard.
And sometimes I wonder if it is really God, or just me who is requiring so much in the raising of our young men.
To be very personal, I second guessed myself a lot after posting last nights entry.
What if I offended parents who do not take such an aggressive stand with what their children are watching and encountering?
What if people thought we were weird or "over the top" because we monitor our children, and still seek to shield them as much as possible from "worldly" influences?
To be even more personal, you can see from my agonizing that I deal with "fear of man" issues.
When I logged on today, and checked my "Motivations for Moms" box, I was awed that God would be so faithful and quick to answer my faithless questions.
This is what I read:


Pray for purity in the hearts of your children,
and the renewing of their spirit as the Psalmist wrote,
"Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Thank you , God, for your faithfulness, even when mine waivers.


Scott said...

Never be apologetic (in the "I'm sorry" sense) for protecting your children from the influence of the world. The home is an "ark" for your kids. Keep your kids in the ark as long as you possibly can. Inside the ark there is serenity, safety, stability, and security. Outside--darkness, despair, destruction. You guys are doing a great job, you have great kids. Keep it up.

D3 said...

take it from someone who is learning the hard way, that you reap what you sow. which wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily if it was just you....but when what you have done or NOT done directly impacts your children....and you realize that you have to stand before something or someone greater than yourself and account for your shortcomings....let me tell's all you can do from falling into an what you know in your heart is right for your boys...tell them, or don't, whatever you think is advantagous for their development. there will be time enough for other influences. better to err on the side of caution because you can never take some things back and then you're left with children who are floating in the wind, blind and deceived because you didn't want to muck up their thinking with traditionalist, narrow-minded views.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

that is a beautiful psalm

Kerri said...

I have a breathing machine at home if you ever need it.