Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st -- not just for fools!

This year's edition of April 1st is turning it's face toward the evening, and I will report that I have been pranked by none, nor have I pranked another! (Maybe this poetry month thing is going to my head).
I have witnessed a couple of April fools stunts, pulled by my own dear children .
*Gasp* No, not those sweet, sweet children, you say.
Oh yes, those very boys indeed.
They are too funny.
In one instance, Isaac called his doubles tennis partner this morning and told him, in a rather scratchy voice, "I won't be able to play today . . . .I'm not feeling well. . . (long pause) APRIL FOOLS!"
Isaac did indeed play, and on this day, he and Colton won a bronze medal at the school tennis tournament!!
Way to go Isaac.
Joe went and captured the day with some brilliant pics.
I was not able to go to the game this year. It is the first sporting event that I've missed. I did not want Daniel spending the day in the elements after so recently dealing with an ear infection. We stayed home.
Josiah was back at school and in action today.
Though I have not been feeling well I was so excited to finally have seeds, and I spent Daniel's nap-time yesterday starting some seeds indoors.
Look at how tiny these seeds are. They are so small right now, it's amazing to think that with a little time, and the right elements, they will turn into tall, strong plants that will bear fruit (in some cases, veggies). Kinda like us.
In this small greenhouse, I started yellow pear tomatoes, red pear tomatoes, mortgage lifter tomatoes, roma tomatoes, eggplant and hot pepper mixed seeds.
Before planting seeds:
And after planting seeds:
I need to get some seeds in the ground, peas and spinach and some herbs, but it is supposed to be rather rainy the next few days I hear, and I was cautioned about planting outdoors when it is too wet.
Maybe I will use my peat pots and start some of those seeds in them. We'll see.
I am awaiting two more shipments from the seed company, but I think I have enough to keep me busy, at least through this weekend.
It has been a long day, and I am listening to Daniel snore next to me. Other than that, and the sound of me clicking over the computer keys, the house is quiet. Soon, it will be a sleeping house. But before I sleep, I pray, Thank you, God, for growing things. For plants and boys and for the ability in my own heart for growth and change and fruit.


Patti said...

Did Isaac and Colton get the bronze last year, as well? I remember them getting something. I wish I could have been there. After preschool, I went home sick - YUCK!
Hope you and Daniel are feeling better and maybe I'll get to see you at school today.
Love you lots.

PS - Mortgage lifter tomato? That's funny.

PSS - my security word is "butbal" - not classy.

Abigail Kreighbaum said...

I am going to have to come over some time and see your garden!

Shelden said...

The first picture before you planted the seeds looks like a bunch of chocolate donuts.

Shelden said...
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